Discover Relief From 8 Frustrating Causes of Pelvic Pain in Men & Penis-Owners

You haven’t told anyone except your doctor about your pelvic pain. When you googled it, all the information was for and about women. 

But you’re a guy or own a penis, so how and why do you have pelvic pain? 

How does this affect your sex life? 

How do you talk about it with your partner? 

Is it ever going to get better?

Understandably, you have a ton of questions. As a sexual health educator and licensed therapist of 16+ years, I've helped many people find relief from pelvic pain. So I know how critical it is to find relevant, and reliable information.

You’re in control of your body and your health. The more you know, the more empowered you are to take action. 

So, let’s discuss possible symptoms, causes, and treatment options.

Common causes of pelvic pain in men 

Where do you experience pelvic pain? For many men and penis owners, it’s between their navel and groin. But you may also experience symptoms around your genitals, abdomen, buttocks, or inner thighs. You may feel pressure, burning, or itching when you: 

  • Go to the bathroom

  • Have sex

  • Sit for long periods of time 

And it’s a lot more common than you may think.

In fact, up to 15% of men in the US suffer from pelvic pain at some point in their lives.¹

What is the cause of your pelvic pain? It could be:

Urinary tract infection (UTI) A bacterial infection that causes painful or frequent urination. The great news is it’s easily treated with antibiotics.

Hernia Occurs when a small piece of your intestine pushes through your muscle. You may see a slight bump where this happened. Some types of hernias cause pelvic pain and must be repaired with surgery. 

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) This pain is related to your digestive system and tends to come and go. Your doctor may recommend diet, lifestyle changes, or medication to help you get relief.

Cystitis – This is inflammation in your bladder caused by an infection. A round of antibiotics should make you feel better quickly. But there also might be some chronic issues that need more in-depth work.

Prostatitis This is when your prostate gland is inflamed. Several types of prostatitis are usually caused by bacteria and treated with antibiotics. Inflammation that isn’t caused by bacteria can be treated with other types of medication.

Sexually transmitted infection (STI) Several STIs cause pelvic pain. The infection, in some cases, spreads to the rectum or anus, causing pain and affecting bowel movements. You also might not have any other typical symptoms of STIs.

Post-vasectomy pain syndrome These are complications that develop after a vasectomy. In fact, 1 to 2 percent of men will develop chronic pain after the procedure. This leads to painful sex and performance issues.²

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) In cases with men, it’s not fully understood by the medical field. Scientists don’t yet understand the causes, making it complicated to treat effectively.

No matter what's causing your pelvic pain, there are treatments to bring relief. Let's explore your options.

Psychological effects of chronic pelvic pain in men

Humans are very complex, and pain affects us in many ways, especially regarding our sexuality.

As a society, it’s considered acceptable and even encouraged for men to brag about previous injuries they braved or their impressive pain tolerance.

But pelvic pain is much more private. It’s common for men and penis owners to experience a lot of shame related to their pelvic pain. 

When this type of pain goes on for long periods of time, it can affect arousal and sexual performance. If you experience painful sex, any sexual activity or foreplay can bring up feelings of fear or panic. 

Intense anxiety and feelings of depression are also frequently found in pelvic pain patients.

There also might be some negative sexual or intiamte experiences in the past that are expressing themselves through your body.

Whether or not you’re in a relationship or sexually active, healing from pelvic pain is essential to your physical and emotional well-being.

So what can you do?

Are there any pelvic pain home treatment options?

Always make sure you talk with your doctor about treatment options. For some pain symptoms, you’ll be happy to know that there are plenty of simple, easy-to-do treatments right at home, including:

  • Over-the-counter medications (OTC) can take the edge off of minor discomfort. They’re usually recommended for short-term relief of temporary aches and pains.

  • A heating pad works by increasing blood flow to relax the muscles holding tension. The sensation of heat on your skin also changes how you perceive pain, which can give you much-needed relief.

What can you do if your pain still won’t go away?

More treatment options for chronic pelvic pain in men

Many causes of pelvic pain in men are relatively easy to resolve with the at-home remedies listed above or by getting prescribed medications from your doctor or working with a pelvic floor physical therapist. 

But what if you’ve tried several things and are still experiencing pain? 

It can be as easy as having a conversation with your doctor and running a few tests. Once your doctor pinpoints the cause of your pelvic pain, they’ll know exactly what medication or combination of treatment options to recommend. 

Your pelvic pain will probably disappear after a round of antibiotics since most types of pelvic pain in men are caused by some kind of infection. 

In some circumstances, you might need pelvic floor physical therapy to release hypertonic muscle tension and get your muscles working properly again.

Many men quickly find pain relief and are ready to go on with their lives. 

But other causes of pelvic pain in men are not as easy to treat. What happens when there’s no magic pill to make everything better?

Are you doomed to a life of pain? Not at all.

If medical treatment like medications, diet change, or working with a pelvic floor physical therapist hasn’t helped, you may need to look at the psychological parts of your pain. Creating a mind-body connection and dealing with any negative emotional experiences will significantly improve your symptoms.

I created a free 4-day online course that’s helped many people struggling with pelvic pain find relief.  You can take it in the privacy of your own home. In this course, you’ll learn the same scientifically-proven techniques that I use in sessions with my private clients.

Even though a lot of these videos address women and vulva owners, it applies to people with penises too!

Imagine what your life would be like with no more pelvic pain. You can go about your day without worrying about symptoms and flair-ups. No more pain getting in the way of your plans when you’re in the mood with your partner. 

Whether you just recently started experiencing pain or have struggled for a long time – it can get better. You don’t have to “suck it up” or “tough it out” anymore.

You deserve to live without pain – and I’m happy to show you how. Check out my website to start your pain relief journey today.

¹ Prostatitis: Inflammation of the Prostate | NIDDK

² Post-vasectomy pain syndrome: diagnosis, management and treatment options

Kayna Cassard

I help individuals and couples struggling with pelvic pain find relief and powerful pleasure through online courses, psychotherapy, and intensive programs.

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