Do These 4 Things After Your Vaginoplasty

For a lot of us, being comfortable in our bodies is not something that comes easily. It’s a process that involves self-evaluation, reflection, and acceptance. As a trans woman, you have probably evaluated yourself and decided that a vagina is another step to help you feel more comfortable in your body.

And that’s beautiful.

To celebrate this milestone, I’ll explain all about vaginoplasty and all you should do to live elegantly in the body that you deserve.

What Is Vaginoplasty?

Put simply, vaginoplasty is the process of constructing a new vagina. The most common technique is the penile inversion where the surgeons remove the penis and testes and then use the tissues from the penis to construct a vagina, labia, and clitoris.1

There are 2 types of vaginoplasty called shallow-depth vaginoplasty and full-depth vaginoplasty.

Shallow-depth vaginoplasty is just that: creating a shallow vagina. The surgeons will remove the testicles and phallus and construct only the external genitals. That is, the labia majora, clitoris, and a shallow vaginal canal or no canal at all.

This option is for those who do not want a full-depth vaginoplasty and only want the appearance of a vagina since penetrative sex is not possible.2

A full-depth vaginoplasty, on the other hand, is the construction of a vagina that more closely matches that of a cis-gender woman with deeper a internal structure, and even some erotic and genital sensations can be preserved.3

Benefits Of Vaginoplasty

Like other types of gender-affirming surgeries, vaginoplasty has several benefits.

  1. It Helps To Reduce Experiences of Gender Dysphoria

    Undergoing vaginoplasty can be key to reducing feelings of gender dysphoria (which is the distress, discomfort, or anxiety that a person might feel about how they’ve been socialized with regards to their gender or sex assigned at birth). According to this study published in the Journal of American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a survey was conducted on 117 patients who underwent vaginoplasty and 71% reported resolution to their body dysphoria.

  2. It Increases Happiness

    When dealing with body dysphoria for so long, it’s such a relief to be able to resolve it once and for all. This is why undergoing vaginoplasty is linked to an increase in happiness.

    The study above found that 94% of the 117 patients surveyed reported feeling positive about their genitals and how they would love to “do the operation again.” 4

  3. Boosts Confidence

In the study published by the Journal of Sexual Medicine, 79% of the 49 transgender women surveyed reported feeling that their vaginas were feminine enough. The cosmetic appearance and functionality of their vaginas were given an average score of 8 out of 10 (with 10 being the highest).

It’s really a no-brainer that vaginoplasty helps to boost confidence. With a full-depth vaginoplasty, you’re capable of doing and enjoying just about any kind of sexual interaction if you’ve always felt self-conscious about it before.

Four Things To Do After Your Vaginoplasty

Getting a vaginoplasty is a life-long commitment. It has amazing benefits but it also comes with responsibility. Here are some things you need to keep in mind after your vaginoplasty.

  1. DO Keep Up With Your Vaginal Dilation

    Your doctor should have told you the importance of vaginal dilation and may even provide you with a dilator, but it’s so important that I have to mention it again here.

    Because the constructed vagina is not self-lubricating, you will need to use your dilators on schedule, or else it can lose its width and depth. Restoring the vagina to its expected size is difficult and expensive, so dilation all the way!

    Here’s some general guidance, but make sure you check with your doctor for their specific instructions. 

    The first three months after your surgery are when you’ll dilate most often, it could be used 3 times daily. 

    After the first three months, you’ll advance to a dilator with a larger diameter and dilate once or twice daily. 

    After six months and for the rest of your life, you’ll need to dilate at least once weekly. But this could go up to once daily if you’re not sexually active.

    So here’s some best practices for using dilators:

    Wash your dilator with warm water and soap. Rinse and dry with a clean cloth or paper towel

    Apply a lubricant to it. Your doctor may have provided one but if not, use a water-based lubricant like KY Jelly. Don’t use silicone-based lubricants.

    Place the dilator at an angle of 45 degrees and insert it into your vagina until it’s under your pubic bone

    Leave the dilator there for 10 minutes or as instructed by your doctor

    After you’re done, clean it as you did before and store it in a cool, dry place.

    And that’s it folx!

  2. DO Practice Proper Hygiene

    This step is so important not just because it’s good for everyone naturally but because it helps to prevent infections and other post-surgery complications. Some important hygiene practices include:

    Wash your hand thoroughly before touching your genital area

    Wash your dilator and other penetrative objects before and after use

    Wipe from front to back after urinating

    Wash your vagina with soap and water

    Pat dry your vagina after showering

    Avoid tight clothing (sometimes bacteria can transfer from your anal area to your vagina with tight clothing)

  3. DO Listen To Your Body

    Vaginoplasty is a relatively safe surgery but sometimes, complications can occur. It is important to listen to your body to figure out if you have any infections or complications.

    Such symptoms include:

    Severe swelling and pain

    Lots of bleeding from the operated area or if you notice the stitched area is reopening

    Severe vomiting

    Skin discoloration on the feet and hands

    Numbness or tingling in different areas of the body

    Symptoms of an infection of the incision site (e.g., swelling, redness, or even fever)

    Some of these symptoms above don’t even occur near the genital area but are still symptoms of complications. Listening to your body and immediately contacting your doctor will help you immensely.

  4. Do Take Care Of Your Psychological And Mental Needs

People experience a mix of emotions right after vaginoplasty. Sadness, joy, confusion, and loneliness are common. Because you’re supposed to limit intense activities right after the surgery, you may not be able to do things you’d normally like which could make you feel more isolated. 

This is completely normal, which is why you should also take care of your physiological and mental health.

Reach out to friends, family, and loved ones during this period as they could be a source of happiness and friendship. Working with a Sex Therapist or Specialized Sexual Wellness Coach can be helpful for professional support.

You can also meet with other women who have gotten vaginoplasty to bond with and learn about their journeys. There are usually support groups of this kind and you could ask your medical team for such information.

If you feel depressed, contact your therapist as soon as you can.

Things Not To Do After Your Vaginoplasty

We’ve covered the must-do’s after your vaginoplasty but here are things you should most certainly not do after your surgery.

  1. [Don’t] Neglect Your Doctor’s Instructions

    Your doctor and medical team are trained to cater to your needs before, during, and after the surgery. Ignoring their instructions can be a recipe for disaster.

    If you have a problem or notice something unusual, follow the instructions given to you or contact the medical team right away. Remember, vaginoplasty is a lifelong commitment and that involves open communication with your medical team.

    [Don’t] Forget To Rest And Recharge

    Just like every major surgery, resting and recharging is an important part of the process.

    Give your body time to heal and adjust to this new addition. Don’t immediately rush to do strenuous activities including sex or activities that directly affect your vagina such as biking.

    Eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of liquids give you the energy to heal, so don’t skip this step!

    Don’t Forget To Have Fun

    With all these things to do and not to do, it may seem like such a daunting task but every effort you put in will totally be worth it! If you determine that vaginoplasty is what you need in your affirming journey, then go for it. 

    Just don’t forget to have fun and enjoy this new body part. You’ve come a long way, so don’t forget to treat yourself right!

If you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, my team of Sexual Health Experts (Masters level coaches and therapists) are always here to help. So please contact us by clicking here – we’re more than happy to be of professional help along the way!

  1. Gender Affirming Surgeries - John Hopkins Medicine

  2. Vaginoplasty and Feminizing Genital Surgical Options - Kaiser Permanente

  3. Vaginoplasty procedures, complications and aftercare - UCSF

  4. Predictors of Patient Satisfaction and Postoperative Complications in Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty

Kayna Cassard

I help individuals and couples struggling with pelvic pain find relief and powerful pleasure through online courses, psychotherapy, and intensive programs.

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