4 Exciting Ways Vulva Owners Celebrate Vulvember

Tell all the women and vulva owners in your life--- it’s time to celebrate Vulvember! 

Depending on how we grew up, some of us feel more comfortable talking about this stuff than others. But that’s why we gotta stick together. These topics shouldn’t be embarrassing or shameful. 

I mean, no one shies away from talking about heart health in February. Because we know that sharing information and raising awareness is a vital part of keeping people healthy. And the same is true for vulvar health.

There are so many ways to celebrate and get in on the fun this month. You may come up with your own ideas, but here are some recommendations.

Perform a vulvar self-exam

Wait, what? Well, you already know it’s important to perform regular self-exams of your breasts. Your doctor reminds you every year at your annual exam. And maybe your mom or bestie check in once in a while to make sure you don’t forget. Reminders are great because those self-exams catch abnormalities that can sneak up. And catching glitches early on is always better than finding out later.

But did you know it’s just as important to perform monthly vulvar self-exams? You should do them regularly so you know what the normal appearance of your vulva is. That way you can spot any abnormalities, which can be an indicator that something’s wrong. Since you’re familiar with what things usually look like, you’ll be able to detect any changes right away.

All you need is some privacy and a mirror. But it’s ok to ask your partner for help if you need it. Your vulva includes all of your external genitalia, so a complete self-check should cover the area where your pubic hair grows, clitoris, inner and outer lips, vaginal opening, urethra, and perineum. Basically, you’re looking for any bumps, rashes, growths, discoloration, moles, or lesions. If you see anything out of the ordinary, check with your doctor.¹

Get to know your needs better

Vulvember is a great opportunity to get to know yourself and your needs better. Some vulva owners find it hard to talk about their needs, or even figure out what they are. How comfortable we are talking about these topics depends on a lot of things. It may be the messages we received growing up about sex and sexuality. Our attitudes about sex are often shaped by cultural and religious influences. And all of this affects how we feel about exploring our needs and communicating them with a partner.

Some people know exactly what they want and have no qualms explaining it to their partners. But for others, it’s not so easy. For you to communicate your needs to your partner, you gotta know what they are first. To help you get started, I created a detailed confidential assessment to guide you through the process. Check out my free Arousal Architecture© Assessment to start understanding your own needs. 

Getting in tune with your wants and desires is a step in the right direction. But you also need to communicate them effectively to your partner. Why is that so important? When your partner really understands where you’re coming from, what your desires are-- those needs and wants can be heard and explored. So do your vulva a favor and take a few moments to fill out the assessment. It will give you a deeper understanding of your needs and the language to explain them to your partner. What better way to celebrate Vulvember?

Like and share #Vulvember posts on social media

So often social media is used to spread bad information that frustrates and divides us. But we can use it to educate and empower other women and vulva owners. So let’s harness social media’s full potential for good. Knowledge is power, and together we can help each other live our healthiest and best life. 

There’s a ton of great information out there. So if you see a helpful post on social media, make sure to like and share it. You can also repost it or leave a thoughtful comment. Quality, reliable information should be accessible to everyone. 

As vulva owners, we should do everything to keep ourselves healthy and well. And we want the same for everyone else. So let’s work together this Vulvember to spread good information. Because we all deserve to live our best lives. And vulva wellness and sexual health are definitely a part of that.

Look for these hashtags this month: #vulva #vulvaart #vivalavulva #vulvapower #vulvas #vulvalove #loveyourvulva #vulvart #vulvarcancer #vulva #vagina #clitoris #vaginaart #vulvapower #vulvember #loveyourself #Vulvember #VULVEMBER #SEXEDU #SHAMEFREESEXED

Connect with a vulvar and sexual health expert

Would you like a more satisfying intimate life? I think I speak for most vulva owners when I say yes, please! Even if things are great, they can be even better. If you’ve taken the free Arousal Architecture© Assessment and still need a little help, talking with a sexual health expert may be the next step.

If you’re experiencing any issues, talking to someone with extensive training and experience in sexual health can be the key to figuring out what’s going on. I’ve helped women and vulva owners struggling with a variety of issues. So whether you’re struggling with pelvic pain and trauma, or just want to experience deeper, more intense pleasure, I can help. Check here to see how.

Not ready to talk to someone but still want help? I created a free 4 day online course just for you. I share many of the same tools and resources that I use with my private clients. I’m passionate about all women and vulva owners having access to quality information about their health.

So how will you celebrate Vulvember? Commit to performing monthly vulvar self-exams. Take a deep dive into understanding your desires and communicate them to your partner. Educate yourself and others by spreading quality information. And reach out to a sexual health professional if you have questions. Let’s have a Vulvember to remember!

¹ How to Perform a Vulvar Self Examination

Kayna Cassard

I help individuals and couples struggling with pelvic pain find relief and powerful pleasure through online courses, psychotherapy, and intensive programs.


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